A PBX is an important piece of a phone management for business or call centers, allowing you to create extensions for individuals, have internal dialing and other features like hold, transfer and voicemail, and soon we will be adding a new power dialing feature to Axon that will be another valuable addition for call centers and other small businesses that need to manage making outbound calls to a list of customers or potential clients.
Our development team has been working on adding an automatic dialer feature, similar to what you may think of as a predictive dialing system. This new power dialer will allow users in a call center type environment to share a list of contacts in a campaign by a list of agents (eg. sales staff or customer service personnel). When an agent is ready to make their next call, at the press of a button the auto dialer will automatically grab the next uncompleted person from the list and dial the number for them, which can save time.
This new feature will be similar to Express Dial which integrates with the Express Talk softphone for a single user, but by allowing multiple people to work off a campaign it helps expand the capabilities to better suit a small businesses or call center.
Businesses have been battling the decision of purchasing an International Toll Free Numbers or a Local Area Number for years and it's grown a whole lot that currently there.