Monday, August 18, 2014

Fantastic Customer Review for MixPad and WavePad from NCH Software

I've used a 360Systems ShortCut since 2000.  It finally had to be put to rest (IDE drives are very rare!)

Initial exposure to MixPad, and, eventually WavePad told me these were what I needed.  At 71 years of age I regularly voice over for local and regional clients.  I also produce an irregular video blog, the audio of which is separately produced.

Most of my instruction for MP and WP came from you tube videos from individuals, and from NCH Software.  With those, my self-teaching permitted me to go directly to a desired process or function, and the system - while sophisticated - was easy to figure out in other areas.  Learning was/is a positive mental exercise.

Registration was the only perplexing chore for me - cockpit error, likely - and was assisted by a concerned and helpful NCHSoftware tech. 

I've tried to use Reaper which has so many great features that it is a bit daunting.  Ditto, even more so, with Adobe Audition.  Both are impressive, but WavePad and MixPad give me everything I need.  Power is a fun thing!

 - D. Burns from Richmond, IN



  1. Thanks for the review as I was about to use this app package and wasn't finding any solution around the corner easily. This is going to help me for sure.. :)

  2. nch would be loved if they had linux software too ;-(

  3. We do still support a few products for Linux, though we haven't actively worked on them for a while. Maybe they can still help!
