Monday, January 30, 2017

Navigate Speech in WavePad

Navigate Speech in WavePad

Using the Navigate Speech Tool in WavePad

The Navigate Speech tool in WavePad Audio Editor will allow you to locate sections of audio quickly and easily. Using speech recognition, WavePad can generate a script of words spoken in an audio file and can navigate directly to the moment when a specific word was spoken in an audio file. This can be very useful in many different situations. For example, you can use the Navigate Speech tool to locate and navigate to a specific section in a large audio recording, such as a company meeting, college lecture recording, or audio file for transcription.

Using the Navigate Speech Tool

To begin, load your audio file into WavePad. You can do this by selecting "Open File" from the File menu, or by using the key command "Ctrl+O"

Once your audio file has been opened in WavePad, click on the Tools menu in the top bar menu, and Select "Navigate Speech" from the list of tools.

When you click on the Navigate Speech tool, WavePad will begin using speech recognition to generate an output of the words spoken in your audio file. Once your audio file script has been generated, you can use the file to navigate easily throughout the recording.

Search for a Keyword

To search for a specific word in your audio file, simply type the keyword into the box at the bottom of the Navigate Speech window, and click on the "Search" button to locate all instances of a specific word in the text file.

Locate a Specific Word in the Audio File

You can use the generated text to navigate to any point in your audio file. To navigate instantly to the point in your audio file when a specific word is spoken, simply double click on the word that you would like to navigate to.

Highlight a Region in the Audio File

You can also use the Navigate Speech tool to highlight a region of your audio file. To do this, highlight words or paragraphs in the generated text and the region will become selected in your audio file waveform. This can be useful when trimming audio files, or for breaking out specific sections in a larger audio file.

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